SQL Performance tuning developed specifically for Microsoft Dynamics NAV on SQL Server
Qixas Group is the exclusive North American partner for SQL Perform. We work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV customers implementing performance improvement solutions for Dynamics NAV on SQL Server. With offices across the North America, SQL Perform has developed solutions to solve complex performance challenges using audits, data archiving, preventive maintenance and performance tuning. These tools proactively eliminate bottlenecks, locks, blocks, deadlocks and improve the end user experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.Microsoft Dynamics NAV Performance Audit
Are you looking for a fast and efficient resolution to system bottlenecks?
Get a 360 degree system review focusing on performance, system efficiency and preventative care. We will take a holistic look at each major component of your system and examine what can be done to help maximize performance.Microsoft Dynamics NAV Archiving & Compression
Is your database bigger than 100GB?
The comprehensive Data Archiving and Compression tools enable IT professionals to store detailed production Dynamics NAV data in an archival database, while moving and/or compressing the data at source. The IT team can select what data will be compressed and moved, and how frequently to archive and compress the data. We have helped organizations reduce their Dynamics NAV databases by hundreds of gigabytes.

What Can Archiving and Compression Tools Do For Your Business?
Small Operational Database
- Get a solid performance boost of your SQL Server immediately
- Faster reports and processing in Dynamics NAV
Improve Infrastructure
- Less RAM and CPU power
- Minimizes the need for SQL Server Data Compression
- Speedy maintenance
Increase Data Visibility
- Data is kept, but it isn’t clogging the operational database
- Ability to view historic data in archive database
Un-do Functionality
- If anything goes wrong, you can reverse to original state
- Retains detailed data for audit and detailed inspection
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Performance Tuning
Are you experiencing blocks, time outs or deadlocks?
Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers the growing business a powerful yet cost-effective solution. With the ever growing adoption of a Microsoft SQL Server backend, an ongoing optimized performance environment for your users is critical. With SQL Performance tools, optimizing Dynamics NAV on the SQL Server Platform has never been easier. We offer a fully tested, supported set of tools that ensures the ongoing performance optimization of your database.